The Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Netherlands
The NKI is an Amsterdam based research institute coupled with the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital which combines care of and leading research on cancer. It is also the Coordinator for STRONG AYA consortium.
Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Maastricht University brings expertise in ethics and privacy and clinical data science to STRONG AYA
Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL), the Netherlands
The IKNL is the Dutch national cancer registry and provides expertise in federated learning.
FFUND is a boutique consulting firm with experience in supporting life sciences start-ups, SMEs and universities to develop their business models and secure strategic funding.
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Belgium
The EORTC is a pan-European non-for-profit clinical cancer research organization based in Brussels that develops and coordinates clinical trial research across various therapeutic strategies to improve the survival and quality of life for people living with cancer
European Cancer Organisation (E.C.O.), Belgium
ECO is a pan-European non-profit federation located in Brussels which brings together oncology experts and patients to influence and design policy and present a united voice for advocacy in cancer care and research.
YCE is a non-profit foundation that encompasses European cancer networks specifically for young people with cancer diagnoses and provides STRONG AYA with expertise in patient advocacy.
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
The University of Southampton is leading STRONG AYA’s efforts to design our Core Outcome Set.
University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, United Kingdom
The University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust bring to STRONG AYA clinical knowledge in AYA cancer care and experience with pan-European projects.
University of Manchester and Christie NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
The University of Manchester brings epidemiological prowess to STRONG AYA.
Fondazione IRCCS InstitutoNazionale dei Tumori, Italy
INT is a leading centre for cancer research and care in Italy located in Milan.
Centre de LutteContre le Cancer Leon Berard, France
CLB, based in Lyon, is a non-profit private healthcare facility dedicated to cancer research and care, with strengths in oncological teaching and training.
Institut Gustave Roussy, France
IGR is a private, non-for-profit health institution participating in providing public hospital service and entirely dedicated to the fight against cancer for all age groups. It has a specific adolescent and young adult program of care and research (SPIAJA programme).
NarodowyInstytutOnkologiiim. MariiSklodowskiej-Curie, Poland
The Marie Sklodowska- Curie National Research Institute of Oncology is the leading comprehensive cancer centre and research institution in Poland.